Legal Notice
The website you are visiting is published by the company " KAPSULE CORP " ~ SARL with a capital of 1000 € domiciled at 6 place de l'homme de fer 67000 STRASBOURG and registered at the RCS of STRASBOURG B 534 340 864 with the SIRET number : 534 340 864 00022 and the APE Code : 7312Z - Telephone : 0.652.328.626. - Intracommunity VAT number: FR22 534340864 - CNIL declaration NS-48 n°147070.
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- The images, icons, fonts and/or logos, at the time they were put online on our website, were either under a " Creative Commons " license and available on the,,,, or websites; or under a Fotolia license, in which case they were purchased by "KAPSULE CORP".
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Our site may contain hypertext links to third-party sites:
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For any information or image concerning you that needs to be modified or removed from this site, please send us a request by email.
Privacy policy
We and our partners use various technologies, such as cookies, to personalize content and advertising, provide social networking features and analyze traffic.
- KAPSULE CORP" does not store any personal data unless explicitly stated otherwise(on a registration form, for example)
- Partner sites have their own confidentiality and personal data management policies. Please visit their websites to find out more.
In all cases, we do not associate cookies with any information that could identify you directly and personally. In fact, cookies never allow us to know your address, date of birth, telephone number or any other information that could identify you.
Click here to find out more about our privacy policy and how to protect your personal data.
Web hosting provider
1&1 Internet SARL (IONOS Cloud GmbH)
7 place de la Gare BP 70109
57200 Sarreguemines CEDEX
SARL au capital de 100 000 EUR
Téléphone : 0970 808 911 (appel non surtaxé)
RCS Sarreguemines B 431 303 775
SIRET 431 303 775 000 16
Code APE : 6201Z
Identification intracommunautaire FR 1343130377