Harlequin crest in Diablo 4: how to obtain this mythical helmet

Harlequin crest in Diablo 4: how to obtain this mythical helmet

In the ruthless universe of Diablo IV, every adventurer is driven to relentlessly seek the best equipment to enhance their character. Among these coveted items, the Harlequin Crest, commonly referred to as Shako, holds a special place in the hearts of players. This article guides you on how to obtain this mythical and unique helmet.

Interface with a game character in shining armor.

The Characteristics of the Harlequin Crest

The Harlequin Crest in Diablo IV is a legendary item that transcends generations of players. Inheriting its fame from Diablo II, this helmet is recognized for its exceptional statistics that make it versatile for various builds. Here are the remarkable attributes of the Shako:

  • 1025 armor
  • 732 to 1359 max HP
  • 4.4 to 10% CD Reduction
  • 5 to 12% resource regeneration
  • +20 to 28 to all statistics
  • +10 to 20% damage reduction
  • +4 ranks to all skills

With these characteristics, it is clear that the Harlequin Crest is a choice item for many players. However, the quest to acquire this treasure is not easy.

How to Acquire the Harlequin Crest?

Obtaining the Harlequin Crest in Diablo IV requires perseverance, luck, and a good dose of strategy. Here are the essential steps to follow:

Complete the main quest

First, it is imperative to finish the main quest as well as the dungeon of the Cathedral of Light. Once these steps are completed, you will unlock World Tier 3.

Access World Tier 4

Next, by completing the dungeon of the Temple of the Forgotten at difficulty level 3, you open access to World Tier 4, the highest difficulty currently available.

Hope for a lucky drop

Once at World Tier 4, all that is left is to play regularly in hopes of obtaining the Harlequin Crest as a drop or from a chest. Unfortunately, the chances are extremely slim.

Participate in special events

Some in-game events increase the chances of interesting loot. The Infernal Waves and their tortured offerings are two examples of events that provide a better probability of obtaining rare items.

Alchemist: The ultimate solution

The most reliable method, although costly, to obtain this helmet is to consult the Alchemist. In exchange for 4 Sublime Sparks and 50,000,000 gold coins, the Alchemist can create the Harlequin Crest via spark transmutation. It is worth noting that Sublime Sparks are extremely rare, obtained by dismantling unique mythical items or completing certain challenges such as defeating the Echo of Lilith.

Events Conditions
Infernal Waves Participate actively in these battles
Tortured Offerings Exchange the offerings for treasure items

FAQ - Diablo IV: Harlequin Crest

What are the benefits of the Harlequin Crest?

The Harlequin Crest offers high statistics in armor, resource regeneration, damage reduction, and amplifies the ranks of all skills. It is a versatile item ideal for various builds. [ Read more here ]

Is it possible to obtain the Harlequin Crest while playing solo?

Yes, it is possible to obtain it solo, but the drop chances are very low and require playing at the highest difficulty levels.

Which in-game events increase the chances of dropping the Harlequin Crest?

The Infernal Waves and tortured offerings are recommended events to increase the chances of obtaining rare loot, potentially including the Harlequin Crest.

How to obtain Sublime Sparks for the Alchemist?

Sublime Sparks can be obtained by dismantling unique mythical items, reaching level 20 reputation in the Motherโ€™s Gift, or defeating the Echo of Lilith for the first time.

How much does the transmutation of the Harlequin Crest cost at the Alchemist?

The transmutation costs 4 Sublime Sparks and 50,000,000 gold coins.

Is this helmet viable for all classes?

Yes, its high statistics and versatile bonuses make it an excellent choice for most classes in Diablo IV.

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